Get Involved with Our Cause!
Volunteers are the backbone of our organization. Without volunteers we could not provide our community with the extensive services and programs we currently offer.
Generosity toward others is at the core of the Y’s existence. It is through the support of our volunteers, that the YMCA of Abilene is able to give back to the community. When you are involved with the Y, you have the opportunity to bring lasting personal and social change to others.
Together we make a difference. Together we build a brighter future, not only for our Y, but for all of the Big Country.
Social Responsibility is one of the three focus areas of the Abilene Y. Generosity toward others is at the core of the Y's existence. It is throught the support of our volunteers, that the YMCA of Abilene is able to give back to the community. When you are involved with the Y, you have the opportunity to bring lasting personal and social change to others.
The Y is a non profit association like not other. Take an active role in strengthening your community. Contact your Abilene Y Family Center to learn more.
To volunteer, please call the Redbud YMCA at 325-695-3400.